Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Region & State Team 2017!

Thank you to all who auditioned for this year’s Region & State Team!  We had SO many amazing actors audition and this decision has been tough.  If your name is listed below, please see Ms. Struiksma for your piece or to discuss your piece.  Additionally, there will be a 20 minute MANDATORY meeting for the ENTIRE team on Wednesday, January 4th from 2:35-2:55pm.  Thank you and have a fabulous restful break so you can come back and give it all you’ve got! J

Musical Theatre

Ben Houseman (Dr. Craven) & Christian Affleck (Archibald) – “Lilly’s Eyes” from The Secret Garden
Addie Wray & Kristen Fairbourn – “In His Eyes” from Jekyll & Hyde
Max Carter & Abram Berry – See Ms. Struiksma ASAP!
Heather Bodine – “Used to Be Mine” from Waitress

Pantomime (Pieces to be determined/created by teams!)

Sara Holbrook & Sophie Brown
Gwynn Fowler & Lucas Olsen
Kenedy Connelly & Lauren McHenry
Katelyn Davis & Ashleigh Irvine

Dramatic Monologues (Pieces TBD)

Emma Smith
Cassie White
Cheyenne Uhler
Emilee Stewart

Humorous Monologues (Pieces TBD)

McKenna Armstrong
Michaelann Acord
Kylan Goodwin
Alisha Yockey – same as audition!

Classical Scenes

Nate Roberson, Hailee Mumm, and Jordan Allred – Tartuffe (Act IV – collective scenes)

Other partnerships and pieces TBD: Annie Cox, Zoe Bradley, Lyndsey Nelson, Rachel McHenry, Emma Aspley, Gracie Awerkamp

Contemporary Scenes

Isabelle Siebeneck & Eliza Hale – Final Placement scene
Hayden Phillips, Bree Howlett, and Abbey Hardy – Blithe Spirit scene
Bryce Jack(Elliot), Brooklyn Crosby(Annie), and Noah Brock(Donald) – Apartment 3A scene

Anna Roller & Madi Lewis – Between Daylight and Boonville scene