Tuesday, April 13, 2021

SDOA Show Descriptions 2021

Here are some show descriptions for the upcoming senior Student-directed One-acts - auditions will be after school on Tuesday the 20th and you can sing up for a time and grab an info packet on the call board in the PAC Green Room. You only need a one-minute monologue to audition, so come get involved! 

"War Brides" directed by Sara Riches and Savanna Seal 
War Brides is about a mother and her two daughters as they face the challenges that times of war bring. Amelia is uncertain of whether to marry because of her sister Hedwig’s insistance against it and her mother’s desire to see her wed. 

"Midnight at World's End" directed by Natalie Hood and Chloe Barrus
At the remote, old-fashioned World's End Diner, a woman named Jill is about to commence work on her first, life-changing assignment: to manage the fate of Emily Hulse. But nothing in Fate Management is easy, and Jill must rely on her colleagues and her instincts to work against fate's unpredictability and make Emily's future a success.

"Battlefiedl Synergy" directed by Lucas Hamilton and Chandler King 
Battlefield Synergy is a dark comedy piece set in the trenches of a war between two rival fast-food restaurants where a group of soldiers are trying to get out of a dangerous mission to reclaim an enemy drive-thru.

The Secret Origin of Mojo Man" directed by Abbie Ricord and Addison Horrocks 
A “super hero” reveals he has powers that he uses for his own personal gain to his best friend and talks him into a competition of who can get the girl... get ready for a good time!

"Baby's Coming Home" directed by Dylan Schreiber and Bree Wasden
Our piece is called My Baby's Coming Home. This piece discusses love, relationships, family, and war; and the way life can shift and change when you aren't looking. We want to teach the message of taking advantage of your life while you are living it, as someday it could be cut short. The world can be a cruel place, so it is all the more important to embrace it when it's loving and kind. This show stars four characters: Beth, James, Henry, and Jess, and we are looking for actors who can show emotional vulnerability and honesty in their acting, as well as actors with the ability to make strong choices. We cannot wait to work with you!

"Pinocchio" directed by Dylan Thomas and Caleb Christensen
Pinocchio is an all around the clock comedy with lots of wise retorts, fun-loving humor, and absolute chaos. With help from the audience and Gepetto our protagonist Pinocchio with be fighting against a bribed Judge and chaotic Jury to show how you can always find the good in any bad situation.