Thursday, September 5, 2024

Matilda Callbacks!!!

Thank you so much to everyone who auditioned for Matilda! 

Your time, talent, and effort is seen and very appreciated -

it has honestly been so fun to watch your vocal and dance auditions

over the last two days.  I'm very proud of you all!

If you are not on the callback list, that doesn't mean that

you haven't been cast in the show.  Please check the blog Friday evening

for the full cast list.

For those called back for "featured dancers" - Please be at the PAC at 2:55 pm

so that you can begin dancing right at 3 pm.  

If you are called back for a role but not for featured dancers, please be at the PAC at 3:30.

If you are called back for BOTH featured dancers and one or more role,

be prepared to stay for more callbacks immediately following the dance portion.

You will NOT be able to get into the PAC earlier than 2:55.

Below are those called back tomorrow:


Leah Memmott

Tessa Osbourne

Shelby Betenson

Miranda Stokes

Aubree Hewlett

Alyssa Read

Mya Didericksen

Miss Honey:

Leah Memmott

Tessa Osbourne

Shelby Betenson

Miranda Stokes

Alyssa Read


Kason Seamans

JoshUA Graham

Ainsley Cardall

Miranda Stokes

Aubree Hewlett

Alyssa Read

Braden Mark

Molly Smart

Mrs. Wormwood:

Alyssa Read

Miranda Stokes

Kate Eberhardt

Kaylee Cannon

Mr. Wormwood/Escapologist:

Kason Seamans

JoshUA Graham

Taylor Fairbourn

Jake Despain

Braden Mark

Bruce/Lavender/Featured Kids

Layna Johnson

Mya Didericksen

Alyssa Read

Hallee Wasden

Kendra Jones

Kate Eberhardt

Aubree Hewlett

Braden Mark

Kason Seaman

JoshUA Graham

Kaylee Cannon

Leah Memmott

Tessa Osbourne

Featured Dancers:

Becca Catmull

Tobin Morgan

Kendra Jones

Jacob Wilson

Benjamin Wilson

Vincent Lyon

Cam Ferguson

Madison Jones

Maisy Stevens

Lilly Harrison

Lillian Nani

Izzy Ragonese

Tessa Osbourne

Tianne Baird

Sadie Engar

Mya Didericksen

Brighton Smith

Alyssa Read

Alexandra Read

Shelby Betenson

Layna Johnson

Reagan Buchmiller

Rosie Luxem

Kate Eberhardt

Leah Memmott