Monday, April 30, 2018

Performance-Based Classes 2018-2019

Congrats to all who have made it into our advanced classes for the 2018=2019 school year!  Please let Miss Struiksma know if you are not planning on doing on of these classes.  If you have any questions about the classes, please let her know.  Excited to have you all next year!

Theatre 3
Gwyn Fowler
Aurie Ackerman
Abram Berry
Lauren McHenry
Lucas Olsen
Sadie Delahunty
Tyler Frampton
Emma Egbert
Peighton Kimball
Kate Davis
Zoe Hohenshelt
Katie Drennen
Ryan Rider
Kirby Blading
Olivia Bradley
Sara Holbrook
Sophie Brown
Alyssa Larsen
Sydney Trauba
Maya Williams
Brittin Smith
Jordan Brown
Charlotte May
Jake Clifford

Theatre 4
Jordan Allred
Emma Apsley
Gracie Awerkamp
Lindsey Brown
Jaycee Chenoweth
Kenedy Connelly
Analisa Fenlaw
Ashleigh Irvine
Parker Sackewitz
Isabelle Siebeneck
Millie Wilkinson
Abbey Hardy
Stephanie Triptow
Brooklyn Crosby

Stage Tech
Kirby Balding
Sydnie Evans
Avery Webster
Caroline Wolf
Ashleigh Irvine
Isabelle Siebenck
Madyson Watson
Sadie Delahunty
Gracie Awerkamp
Drake Brady
Gracie Awerkamp
Enya Westergard
Emma Egbert
Erika Woods
Lucas Jessop