Friday, August 30, 2024

Shakespeare Competing IEs 2024, Calendar, and Line Assignments

 Hey all! 

Thank you again for allowing me to video in today and be a part of challenge rounds with you. I know things are decided by your votes, but I still wanted to cheer for you and watch your incredible progress. I am so so proud! 

Below is assignment for lines in our ensemble scene followed by a list of our competing IEs in Cedar City.  If you are listed as a competing IE please email me IMMEDIATELY with your act and scene so I can list it correctly in the online entry form.  At the bottom is the calendar breakdown for rehearsals. Reminder that ALL IEs who showcased today will have a spot at Night of Shakespeare on October 2nd! 

Ensemble Scene Lines 

Citizen #1 - Kendra Jones

Citizen #2 - Preston Smith

Citizen #3 - Aubree Hewlett

Citizen #4 - Taylor Fairbourn

Citizen #5 - Izzy Ragonese

Citizen #6 - JoshUA Graham 

Citizen #7 - Hallee Wasden

Citizen #8 - Sofia Eyzaguirre

Citizen #9 - Ethan Regan 

Citizen #10 - Kason Seamans 

Citizen #11 - Leah Memmott

Citizen #12 - Kaylee Cannon 

Citizen #13 - Mercedes Nye

Citizen #14 - Ainsley Cardall

Competing Monologues

 - Ainsley Cardall

 - Kendra Jones 

 - Tessa Osborne 

Competing Scenes 

 - Kate Eberhardt, Kaylee Cannon, and Peter Wilkins 

 - Leah Memmott and Taylor Fairbourn

Here is the Calendar:

Look on the call-board next week for rooming sign-ups!

- Struiks

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Shakespeare Team 2024!

** CORRECTION- I forgot to add some of the IE people who had already been added; PLEASE forgive me and blame my mushy brain. Thank you for the compassion and forgiveness!

A huge thank you to everyone who came out to audition for our 2024 Shakespeare Team! We were so impressed by the immense talent seen and thank you for your hard work. For Wednesday, August 28th we would like to have ALL Individual Event competitors to meet in the Little Theatre at 2:45pm.  We will be having a rehearsal with this group until 5pm at the latest.


On Thursday, August 29th, we would like to see the entire team listed below for our first rehearsal day!  Please meet in the Little Theatre at 2:45pm sharp and plan to be here until 5pm.  Some parts are listed below and individual lines will be assigned to specific ensemble members by the end of the week. 


Also, the entire team needs to be in the Little Theatre at 2:30pm SHARP on Friday, August 30th for our IE Challenge Rounds.  All of the team will watch, support, and vote for our finalists.  Plan to be finished between 4:00-4:30pm.  IE contestants, you may be in the Little Theatre practicing from 2:00pm on if you wish.


Ensemble Members:

Ethan Regan

Aubree Hewlett

Addi Covington

Hallee Wasden

Avi Macey

Kendra Jones

Izzy Ragonese

Emiline Johnson

Sofia Eyzaguirre

Leah Memmott

Gretchen Kulpaca

Kaylee Cannon

Mercedes Nye

Reagan Buchmiller

Ella Eliason

JoshUA Graham

Preston Smith

Taylor Fairbourn

Niv Raz

Ainsley Cardall

Kason Seamans

Peter Wilkins

Chloe Hinman

Hailee Jacobsen

Tessa Osborne

To'ahani Hedgepeth

Audrey Grace Griggs


Female Speaker:

Katherine Eberhardt


Male Speaker:

Nathaniel Coleman

Monday, August 26, 2024

Shakespeare How-To Audition Video!

Hey everyone! 

Just a reminder that Shakespeare auditions are tomorrow! Our lovely council has created a video to help you feel more prepared for your audition. Watch this video and get some rest, then you’ll be all set! Don’t forget to bring printed grades, your audition packet, and nice clothes.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Matilda Audition Forms!!

 Hi everyone!  Right after Shakespeare auditions, we will hold auditions for this year's musical, Matilda!

Auditions will be held on Sept. 4th and 5th.  Callbacks will be held by invitation on Sept. 6th.

On Sept. 3rd, there will be an optional Musical Audition workshop that I highly recommend attending if you are available.  

You will sign up for a singing audition using a QR code that will be available on the blog and in the Little Theatre at the end of this week.  You will then participate in the dance portion of auditions at 5:30 pm.  You will dance on the same day you sing.  

Please make sure you read the earlier blog post called, "Initial Matilda Info!!!!" as well as ALL of the information included in the audition packet.  It's a lot to go through, but it's very important that you review the information carefully in order to have the best audition you can :)

If you have questions, please email Cline at by next Friday.

To access a digital copy of the Audition Packet, click HERE.

For the Audition Form, click HERE.

For the rehearsal calendar outline, HERE.  A detailed calendar will be provided at the beginning of the rehearsal process.

For the Assistant Director Application, click HERE.  Please note that AD applications are DUE by Sept. 3rd.  You may turn this application in earlier. 

So excited for this show, and our entire season!

Shakespeare Ensemble Audition Packets 2024!

Auditions for Alta Theatre Department's musical are just around the corner!  

First, we have our nationally ranked Shakespeare Team auditions taking place next week! Those auditions will take place on August 27th after school in the Little Theatre at the center of the main building. There will also be a Monologue Workshop (optional to all) on Monday, August 26th from 2:30-3:30pm in the Little Theatre.  Come join us if you would like to come and get some tips and tricks together for your audition - you can even run your piece for an upper class-man if you'd like and they can help you feel more confident. 

Students can grab an audition packet and sign up for an audition time in the Little Theatre starting today. Please enter on the EAST SIDE of the Little Theatre, across from the weight room.  The packets and signups will be right there on your left as you enter.  


Below is a digital link to the packet for your viewing needs and a TENTATIVE picture calendar.  Please read through the ENTIRE packet before asking questions - if there are still questions about audition and show details, please email me at 


Here is a copy of the tentative calendar:

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Shakespeare 2024 Ensemble Audition Info!

Calling all Shakespeare fans! 

It’s almost time for Ensemble auditions! Those who make the team will get to compete at the Utah Shakespeare Festival in Cedar City October 3rd-5th, as well as perform in Night of Shakespeare at Alta on October 2nd. This is an opportunity to go on an incredible trip and do a fun show! 

There will be a Workshop after school in the Little Theatre on August 26th from 2:30 to 3:20pm. Auditions will also be in the Little Theatre and are August 27th from 2:30 to about 5pm, depending on how many people sign up. Mark these on your calendars! 

Audition packets with permission slips will be available on the callboard in the Little Theatre by the first day of school, August 19th. You will need to prepare a one-minute Shakespearean Monologue. Two options will be provided in the packet, or feel free to find one yourself! 

It really is a wonderful experience, so we hope to see many of you at auditions!