Hey all!
Thank you again for allowing me to video in today and be a part of challenge rounds with you. I know things are decided by your votes, but I still wanted to cheer for you and watch your incredible progress. I am so so proud!
Below is assignment for lines in our ensemble scene followed by a list of our competing IEs in Cedar City. If you are listed as a competing IE please email me IMMEDIATELY with your act and scene so I can list it correctly in the online entry form. At the bottom is the calendar breakdown for rehearsals. Reminder that ALL IEs who showcased today will have a spot at Night of Shakespeare on October 2nd!
Ensemble Scene Lines
Citizen #1 - Kendra Jones
Citizen #2 - Preston Smith
Citizen #3 - Aubree Hewlett
Citizen #4 - Taylor Fairbourn
Citizen #5 - Izzy Ragonese
Citizen #6 - JoshUA Graham
Citizen #7 - Hallee Wasden
Citizen #8 - Sofia Eyzaguirre
Citizen #9 - Ethan Regan
Citizen #10 - Kason Seamans
Citizen #11 - Leah Memmott
Citizen #12 - Kaylee Cannon
Citizen #13 - Mercedes Nye
Citizen #14 - Ainsley Cardall
Competing Monologues
- Ainsley Cardall
- Kendra Jones
- Tessa Osborne
Competing Scenes
- Kate Eberhardt, Kaylee Cannon, and Peter Wilkins
- Leah Memmott and Taylor Fairbourn
Here is the Calendar:
- Struiks