Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Shakespeare Team 2024!

** CORRECTION- I forgot to add some of the IE people who had already been added; PLEASE forgive me and blame my mushy brain. Thank you for the compassion and forgiveness!

A huge thank you to everyone who came out to audition for our 2024 Shakespeare Team! We were so impressed by the immense talent seen and thank you for your hard work. For Wednesday, August 28th we would like to have ALL Individual Event competitors to meet in the Little Theatre at 2:45pm.  We will be having a rehearsal with this group until 5pm at the latest.


On Thursday, August 29th, we would like to see the entire team listed below for our first rehearsal day!  Please meet in the Little Theatre at 2:45pm sharp and plan to be here until 5pm.  Some parts are listed below and individual lines will be assigned to specific ensemble members by the end of the week. 


Also, the entire team needs to be in the Little Theatre at 2:30pm SHARP on Friday, August 30th for our IE Challenge Rounds.  All of the team will watch, support, and vote for our finalists.  Plan to be finished between 4:00-4:30pm.  IE contestants, you may be in the Little Theatre practicing from 2:00pm on if you wish.


Ensemble Members:

Ethan Regan

Aubree Hewlett

Addi Covington

Hallee Wasden

Avi Macey

Kendra Jones

Izzy Ragonese

Emiline Johnson

Sofia Eyzaguirre

Leah Memmott

Gretchen Kulpaca

Kaylee Cannon

Mercedes Nye

Reagan Buchmiller

Ella Eliason

JoshUA Graham

Preston Smith

Taylor Fairbourn

Niv Raz

Ainsley Cardall

Kason Seamans

Peter Wilkins

Chloe Hinman

Hailee Jacobsen

Tessa Osborne

To'ahani Hedgepeth

Audrey Grace Griggs


Female Speaker:

Katherine Eberhardt


Male Speaker:

Nathaniel Coleman