Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Join Matilda Remind!

 Forgot to include this in the last post:

MAKE SURE YOU'VE JOINED OUR REMIND IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY!!!  This is how most information and reminders will be communicated - it is not optional.

If you don't respond as needed, you can miss out on things like show shirts!  Take a look at the instructions below and ask me or Nate if you are having trouble registering for our Remind group.

Here are the instructions for joining:

Open up your messaging app, in the "phone number" space, type:


Then text 


To 81010

You should receive a confirmation text. You can also download the app
 and put in the code (@r3v0lt) in the "join class" spot.

Matilda Calendar and Remind Info

 Hi everyone,

Wanted to put the Matilda rehearsal calendar, linked HERE, back at the forefront of your mind now that it's finalized and completed.  (This is the same link as before, just included it again to be helpful.)

A few calendar/rehearsal notes:

1. Please look ahead and email me to ask clarifying questions.  Don't wait until the day of the rehearsal you have a question about to email me - I might not have time to respond to you.

2. Your conflicts have been added to the Director's calendar and will be considered excused absences.  At this point, you may not add additional conflict dates.

3. Beginning Nov. 4 (first day of tech rehearsals) absences are not allowed for any reason.  Any other commitments should be put on hold until after Matilda strike as all remaining rehearsals, performances, and strike (11/4 and on) are MANDATORY for all members of the production!

4. If you are going to miss rehearsal because of an illness, your parent/guardian must email me at least 3 hours before rehearsal in order for your absence to be considered excused.

5. Unexcused absence(s) may result in you being removed from specific numbers or the entire production - don't miss!!!

6. If you have an excused absence on a day when you are called for rehearsal, it is YOUR JOB to meet with one of your cast members, Nate, or one of our dance captains to learn what you missed.  You will be expected to have learned the material by the next time that number or scene is rehearsed.

7. We will NOT be sending daily messages through Remind about what is happening in rehearsal that day.  The expectation is that you're referencing the calendar daily AND looking ahead.

8. My expectation is that you are ready to begin rehearsals at the start time indicated on the calendar.  That means that you should plan to arrive to rehearsal 5 minutes early.

Thank you for all the time, effort, and work that you've already put into Matilda - I'm appreciative of you all and very excited to continue working on our production!

-Cline (lindsey.cline@canyonsdistrict.org)

Friday, September 13, 2024

Notary on Thursday, 9/19

 Hello Shakespeare Parents and Guardians, 

I wanted to remind you that ALL payments are due on Monday, September 16th by 2:45pm to the main office.  You can also pay the whole amount (or partial if using fundraising to cover some of the cost) on skyward.  Another big reminder is that paperwork HAS to be to me by Friday, September 20th by 2:45pm.  This includes the Code of Conduct Paper and the Medical Insurance Form.  The Code of Conduct must just be signed by both parent AND student. The Medical Insurance Form has to be notarized.  Thus, I was able to arranged for a notary to be here on Thursday, September 19th at two times.  You can come with the paperwork to sign with them at 4:45pm OR 6:45pm. If those times do not work, please go to your local bank and have them help you there. 

I have attached a picture of each form below to print if you lost yours from the meeting. 

Thank you and we are excited to get this trip underway! :)

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Mandatory Parent Meeting

A reminder to all parents and/or guardians who have students in the musical (Matilda) or on this year's Shakespeare Team - tomorrow night (9/11/24) we need you at the PAC Auditorium at 6pm sharp for our Musical and Shakespeare Trip Parent Meeting!  We would love to start on time to get you out as quickly as possible.  We will go over all of the mandatory NEED TO KNOW information for both the musical and for the Shakespeare Trip as well as hand out all Shakespeare legal documentation so students can attend the trip.  

Please remember that all payments are due by 2:45pm on Monday, September 16th and paperwork for Shakespeare is due by 2:45pm on Friday, September 20th. Thank you and see you tomorrow! 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Matilda Rehearsal Calendar

 Hi everyone,

Reminder that our first meeting for Matilda is tomorrow, 9/9, from 2:45 - 4:45 in the PAC Green Room!  I'm so excited to start working on this show with y'all!

Please access our rehearsal calendar by clicking HERE.

You'll notice that the next 2 weeks are scheduled out in detail and that the rest of our rehearsal process is outlined in the calendar.  You can expect that this document will be updated with a detailed schedule/breakdown for all rehearsal dates by the end of next weekend.

In addition to accessing this calendar online, I will print out paper copies at the beginning of next week.

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow and creating this show with you!


Friday, September 6, 2024

Matilda Cast List!!!

A huge thank you to everyone who auditioned 

for Matilda over the last 3 days!!!  It has been so 

much fun to see you perform throughout your 

auditions - please know that you are all very 

appreciated and that you made my job of casting this 

show very difficult.

As always, if you'd like feedback on your audition, 

you may email me next week.

For those cast in Matilda, we will have our first 

meeting on Monday, September 9th from 2:45 - 4:45 pm.  

Everyone cast in the show is called for this first meeting.  

Detailed rehearsal schedules will be provided next week.

Without further ado…the cast of Matilda!!!

Assistant Director: Nate Coleman


(Mum #1) Ruby Swallow

(Dad #1) Ben Erwin

(Mum #2) Madalyn Peirce

(Dad #2) Elijah Barroso

(Mum #3) Chloe Hinman

(Dad #3) Niv Raz

(Mum #4) Brighton Smith

(Dad #4) Wesley Stueber

(Cook) Audrey Grace Grigg

(Sergei) Reagan Buchmiller

(Nurse) Molly Smart

Lydia Hansen

Lillian Nani

Emiline Johnson

Crow Coletti

Bella Thomas

Rosie Luxem

Sadie Engar

Addilyn Covington

Brynlee Trout

Ever Hiramoto

Rowan Denney

Jaz Brimhall

Katelyn Larsen

Jacob Wilson

Remy Parker

Erin Pettey

Jett Smith

Featured Ballroom Dancers

Madeline Griffith

Andrew Davies

Avery Baker

Miles Jordan

Featured Dancers (Big Kids) * denotes Dance Captain

Becca Catmull

Tobin Morgan

Benjamin Wilson

Vincent Lyon

Cam Ferguson

Isabella Ragonese *

Tianne Baird

Alexandra Read

Layna Johnson

Lilly Harrison

Maisy Stevens

Miss Honey's Class (Little Kids)

Emmy Chipman

Izzy Walbeck

Madison Jones

Avilyn Macey

Clara Neal

Emma Sweat

Preston Smith

Bella Hansen

Tommy) Christian Holyfield

(Hortensia) Mercedes Nye

(Alice) Hallee Wasden

(Eric) JoshUA Graham

(Nigel) Jeffrey Marroquin Garcia

(Amanda) Shelby Betenson

(Lavender) Kendra Jones

(Bruce) Taylor Fairbourn

Children's Entertainer (also in ensemble) 

Sofia Eyzaguirre

Doctor (also featured dancer and a dance captain)

Alyssa Read

Acrobat (also in ensemble)

Megan Carlson

Mrs. Phelps (also in ensemble)

Cara Barnes

Michael Wormwood(also in ensemble)

Ethan Regan


Jake Despain


Calvin Kremer

Mr. Wormwood

Kason Seamans

Mrs. Wormwood Understudy(also in ensemble)

Kate Eberhardt

Mrs. Wormwood

Kaylee Cannon

Miss Honey Understudy(also in ensemble)

Aubree Hewlett

Miss Honey

Tessa Osbourne

Miss Agatha Trunchbull Understudy(also in ensemble)

Braden Mark

Miss Agatha Trunchbull

Ainsley Cardall

Matilda Wormwood Understudy(also in ensemble)

Mya Didericksen

Matilda Wormwood

Leah Memmott

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Matilda Callbacks!!!

Thank you so much to everyone who auditioned for Matilda! 

Your time, talent, and effort is seen and very appreciated -

it has honestly been so fun to watch your vocal and dance auditions

over the last two days.  I'm very proud of you all!

If you are not on the callback list, that doesn't mean that

you haven't been cast in the show.  Please check the blog Friday evening

for the full cast list.

For those called back for "featured dancers" - Please be at the PAC at 2:55 pm

so that you can begin dancing right at 3 pm.  

If you are called back for a role but not for featured dancers, please be at the PAC at 3:30.

If you are called back for BOTH featured dancers and one or more role,

be prepared to stay for more callbacks immediately following the dance portion.

You will NOT be able to get into the PAC earlier than 2:55.

Below are those called back tomorrow:


Leah Memmott

Tessa Osbourne

Shelby Betenson

Miranda Stokes

Aubree Hewlett

Alyssa Read

Mya Didericksen

Miss Honey:

Leah Memmott

Tessa Osbourne

Shelby Betenson

Miranda Stokes

Alyssa Read


Kason Seamans

JoshUA Graham

Ainsley Cardall

Miranda Stokes

Aubree Hewlett

Alyssa Read

Braden Mark

Molly Smart

Mrs. Wormwood:

Alyssa Read

Miranda Stokes

Kate Eberhardt

Kaylee Cannon

Mr. Wormwood/Escapologist:

Kason Seamans

JoshUA Graham

Taylor Fairbourn

Jake Despain

Braden Mark

Bruce/Lavender/Featured Kids

Layna Johnson

Mya Didericksen

Alyssa Read

Hallee Wasden

Kendra Jones

Kate Eberhardt

Aubree Hewlett

Braden Mark

Kason Seaman

JoshUA Graham

Kaylee Cannon

Leah Memmott

Tessa Osbourne

Featured Dancers:

Becca Catmull

Tobin Morgan

Kendra Jones

Jacob Wilson

Benjamin Wilson

Vincent Lyon

Cam Ferguson

Madison Jones

Maisy Stevens

Lilly Harrison

Lillian Nani

Izzy Ragonese

Tessa Osbourne

Tianne Baird

Sadie Engar

Mya Didericksen

Brighton Smith

Alyssa Read

Alexandra Read

Shelby Betenson

Layna Johnson

Reagan Buchmiller

Rosie Luxem

Kate Eberhardt

Leah Memmott

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Musical How-To Audition Video!


Thank you to everyone who auditioned today, we were really impressed with all the talent we saw! And to everyone auditioning tomorrow, break a leg! Council has put together this video to show how to audition for a musical, so no matter what your next audition is you can feel prepared. 


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Here is the new, updated, and working QR code for Matilda audition sign-ups - thank you Alyssa!  If the QR code acts up again, use the link HERE to access the sign-up sheet.  Reminder to NOT add extra slots.  Sign up for an available time indicated on the sign-up sheet.
So excited to see your auditions this week - break legs!