Monday, December 28, 2020

Parent Contact Form, Covid-Testing Info, Last Set Pick-up Help!

If you have not yet filled out the Parent Contact Sheet on GoogleDocs, PLEASE go do so today. I need to start sending out Parent Update Emails for rehearsals, Covid plans, etc. I don't want anyone left off of the list, but I am currently missing about 15 parents. It only takes a moment and would really help me to clearly communicate with you for changes and musical needs to make this show happen.  If you are a student reading this, please take a moment to ask your parent if they have filled out the form and encourage them to do so if they have not. Thank you! 

Here's a link to the form: 

A quick update/reminder that we have our next Covid Test in ONE WEEK from today!  Students need to be at school in the Hawk House (same place as last time) for your quick tests on Monday morning, January 4th at 7:20am.  Thank you so much and enjoy the rest of your break and be sure to get memorized (songs included)! 

P.S.  For those asking about artistic design packets for lighting and sound, we will have those available the end of the second week of January to apply for those positions, as well as Stage Manager. 

Also, if there are any parents available to do a set run for the last of the things we need from Kearns High, I would LOVE to do that one day next week (preferably after-school hours). There is a table (12 feet by 36 inches), 6 chairs (18x18 inches and 5 feet tall), and a huge sign (50 inches tall and 8 feet wide, 1/8 inch thick - there are two of these). Please let me know if you are available and if so, what days you could make work so I can coordinate with the teacher there. Thank you! 🙂

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Little Mermaid Backing Tracks and Dance Links

I was going to try and download each of the backup tracks, but it proved quite the feat.  Thus, I am going to provide you all with a link to the tracks, an access username, and password.  When you pull up tracks to practice with please go to: 

You will click on the SECOND option: Organization Login/Production Tracks  - don't click on the first link "rehearsal track access," unless you wanna figure out downloading them and codes... please do not email me asking to help you figure out how to do that because I will tell you to simply click the second option. :) 

You will then enter the following login information:
Password: castmember 

Click on show "Little Mermaid" and then ignore the download options and click on TRACKS.  This will give you access to all backing tracks we will be using to practice with.  Remember, I expect you all to come back with music (and lines) fully memorized and ready to be performed.  We'll get it where it needs to be, but only if we have that full time with you all memorized.  This should be a PRIORITY! 

Also, here are copies of all the dances we have done so far.  You are have these DOWN PAT and will be tested on them on January 8th in rehearsal.  PLEASE don't be the person I have to cut from a dance because it's obvious you did not practice.  I assure you, Alisa and I WILL know!  

I will be sending out emails to a few students about being a part of "One Step Closer" (rehearsal on January 5th), so please check email next week and respond quickly as to if you accept that role.  Thanks and enjoy the holiday break! 

ONE MORE REMINDER:  Our next Covid check is January 4th (the day we return) at 7:20am.  Thanks!

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Little Mermaid Announcements for Monday, December 14th! URGENT!

A few reminders for MUSICAL CAST: 

First, fees due tomorrow! Even if you’re not called to rehearsal you MUST bring a receipt by 2:45pm to the theatre room. Please don't make me write fee sheets and waste my time.

Second- VERY important we must be in the Hawk House by 7:15am sharp (Monday the 14th) for our first Covid test- if you miss it you will miss rehearsals and that will cause you a lost spot in the show. You MUST be there unless quarantined! Do NOT come to the theatre room- go to the Field House and BE ON TIME! Thanks!!! 🧜‍♀️

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Covid-Testing Update

Here is the update from the administration team:

"The link is only working periodically right now. I think the state system crashed when the parents of all students in all extracurricular events in all high schools in Utah attempted to log in and complete it.

Worst case, we will just collect the paper forms I sent you before the first round of testing."

So, you can either continue to try the site here and it should pop up eventually (though that seems like an annoying feat):

OR you can print out the following document, sign and complete it and have your student come drop it to me tomorrow or Monday: 

That seems a better option. :)  Thanks for the patience and thanks for all who have already filled out the parent form - if you haven't yet, we ask that you please do that now.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Costume Needs, Covid Testing, and Parent Contact Page Link

 Hi Parents and Student!

Tonight is the Parent Meeting starting promptly at 6PM sharp.  Please log-on to this link a few minutes early and mute yourself until we get to the questions section.  You can also type questions in the comments box along the way.  Plan to be online with us for 20-30 minutes and then you can hop off! Thank you so much - here is the link: 

Below are the thing you will need to pick up to wear under or with your costumes.  I have attached OPTIONS, but you can find your own in a very similar or the same style.  I just looked for well-priced options.  Read through the WHOLE post as multiple parts may apply to you and you will need all the items for YOUR characterS! Also, below costume and makeup needs are regulations for Covid testing you need to read and fill out this week, as well as the parent contact form I need all parents to complete. 

Please have all costume pieces and shoes by January 19th! 

All Women – You need to purchase NUDE-COLORED tights. Please be sure they are thick enough to not rip and hold up through the run. I would get two pairs just in case you want to wash them between days. 

Nude Tights

Ensemble Sea Creatures, Mermaids (all genders), Gulls, Flounder, Sebastian, Eels, Ursula you will need to purchase a NUDE-COLORED camisole/tank-top leotard. If you are more comfortable, you can purchase NUDE-COLORED compression tank-top or camisole and NUDE-COLORED compression shorts in leu of a leotard. I would also grab loose shorts to wear over your compression pants/leotard when not in costume.  

Tan Leotard

All Sea Creatures - You will also need to get TAN jazz shoes as our stage is not currently safe to dance barefoot. We hope this get remedied, but in case not, here are some options of ones to get:

Tan Jazz Shoes

Eels - You will also need to get BLACK jazz shoes as our stage is not currently safe to dance barefoot. We hope this get remedied, but in case not, here are some options of ones to get:

Black Jazz Shoes

Sailors, Maids, Butlers, Chefs, Grimsby, and Eric will need to purchase knee-length WHITE socks, a WHITE undershirt (again, I would get at least two in-case you want to wash in-between), and black dress or character shoes. Some of these things come in multi-packs so a few people could split or you can have a bunch of clean ones for each night. 

White Knee-Length Socks

White Undershirt

Black Character Shoes (I would look at Savers/DI first!)

Black Dress Shoes  (I would look at Savers/DI first!)

Gulls - You need to get black tap shoes that will work for you and we CAN buy these back at the end if you have an itemized receipt and they're in good quality (not perfect) condition.  Up to you if you want to keep them or get reimbursed! 

Makeup-wise all need to have foundation and powder that match your face, eye liner (black or brown), and blush or contour. Ladies you need mascara as well, and boys it’s an option for you. You will need makeup by January 25th!  I did NOT provide links for makeup because it's going to store and matching it to your skin.  Ask for help if you need it! 

The following face-paint/shadow, etc. colors should be gotten for specific characters: 

Gulls – white, yellow, orange, and black

Mersisters and Ariel– the color you are assigned with whites and sparkles

Flounder – black, white, blue, and yellow

Eels and Ursula – grey, white, purple, blues, black, and sparkles

Sea Creatures – teal, blue, white, light purples, and sparkles

Triton – light blue, dark blue, white, gold

Sebastian – red, white, black

I do have some makeup sparkles to add to people, but if you want specific things, you can get those. I will have inspiration photos for you to gain ideas from on the blog by Christmas week.

Now, let's talk about COIVD-TESTING: 

All coaches/advisors and parents of student participants will need to do the following before arriving to test.  We will be testing within every 14 days of being together for rehearsal and if a student chooses to opt out they will not be permitted to participate in extra-curricular event.  That means, unfortunately, your student will be dropped form the production. 

I respect your decision regarding this, but ask that if you choose to have your student opt out and drop you decide and let me know by THIS FRIDAY (Dec 4th).  We are coordinating blocking, costumes, meals, etc. starting now and we need to know specific numbers and people for each.  Thank you for your understanding regarding this matter.  

Complete the attached form by Sunday, December 6th so it's done in plenty of time prior to our first testing. It is a fillable form, so you can e-sign and email it back to me at OR you can print and have your student bring me a physical copy. 

Fill out the form at this link:

Lastly, I have here a link for all parent contact and volunteer.  It will also be VERY helpful to have all of your information on one-sheet, so please fill out the contact info and then let me know where you available to help.  Please fill this out by Sunday, December 6th as well!  Every parent is required to help with one dinner during tech week and one concession item, per the packet, but I will really need some extra hands to help in the following area: costuming (taking things in or little fixes), concessions (running the concessions booth each evening), Break-a-Leg Grams (cute little cards and flowers that go to students backstage during performances), meal heads (people who head up planning for a night's meal with other parents), photography (one or two people who can do great headshots and high-quality pictures during final dress rehearsals), ticket takers, program (someone who will take the program info and compile it into the beautiful program we will print).  

Little Mermaid Parent Contact Sheet

PLEASE if you can give any time, sign up for a spot or two you are willing to serve - I cannot make this work without you amazing parents! 

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Little Mermaid Rehearsal Calendar

 Here is the link to the Little Mermaid Rehearsal Calendar's Final Draft: 

<iframe src="" width="640" height="480"></iframe> 

Final this year will attempt to be a solid term, but needs to be met with flexibility.  This is a year where things are a little up in the air and we must be adaptable.  I will do my BEST to adhere to this schedule, but I ask that you check the blog (students, the remind) daily for updates in case we need to switch something around.  Thank you for your understanding and patience with this!

Remember that tomorrow night (WEDNESDAY the 2ND) we have the Parent Meeting at 6PM SHARP and at least one parent or guardian will be required to attend as there are some legal and health matters we need to discuss this year and paperwork we have to have signed.  This meeting will take place online and the google meet/zoom link will be posted on here by 5pm tomorrow evening.  It should not take more than 20-30 minutes max.  So excited to talk with you all about the show!