Friday, September 9, 2022

Shakespeare Paper Work

 Hi Parents and Students, 

Below are the papers you will need to print and have completed by 2:45pm on September 20th to be able to attend the Shakespeare Festival Trip.  Remember that you need to have the medical form NOTARIZED (banks can do this) and attach a copy of the child's insurance card info.  Also, a reminder that ALL fees ($389.00) are due to the main office by September 16th (next Friday).  NO EXCEPTIONS.  I have to finalize all payments that weekend. 

I apologize the scanner here is being weird, and so they are JPEGs of the papers, but they work exactly the same.  I will have a detailed and finalized schedule once we are given competition times, which is typically the week before.  It is highly similar to the one I handed out at the Parent Meeting.  Please email me with any further questions.