Meta Notes - Saturday 2/8
Kalyee- keep pencil skirt; this works! Can you shake the jar before the words chaos?
Shelby- keep lines facing out at the top, or turn more when talking to Aubree
Ethan- keep emphasis on still EACH time
“daddy do you want to play”- just that line on that entrance, Kailyn. That’s all there’s time for!
- Fugure out which is right; country vs continent Kason and Ethan
Kate - standout for character and projection; nailing it each time. I love the walk off in time with Midas too!
Ethan, more excitement on face over gold items each time you see a change.
Cline- grab safety pins for backstage!
Cara, watch holding arms up the whole time… it’s a nerves twinge, but start having awareness around it.
Slow the line every reluctant breath
Sea fabric narrators- practice black fabric three times before the Monday run!
Cara- wake up when ding happens!
Nate- great projection! Now, play more with vocal variations
WE LOVE MADDY AND LEAH!!! Great relationship!
Cara- great reactions at the end to the scene when they’re describing what happened to you guys.
Walk out creepy and not marching out- hunger cold fear
Ainsley- more desperation and need in body when selling mom
Can the narrators pre-place lyre for Taylor in that transition before Orpheus?
Chloe- subtle emotional reaction to turn… give me more on face or turn ghostlike… either way.
Kason- make the clothing throws higher up to let us see
Struiks- add orange to erysichthon and add pink to baucis and philemon
NIV AND LAYNA AMAZING!!!! We thought the fall was amazing, and so was the spin!
Niv- great reaction to candle wax
Cline- dress elastic on Monday for Ainsley- Ainsley give dress to Cline on Monday at top of rehearsal.
Cast- great reactions in pool! Better timing too, so let’s keep that cue.
Narrators- keep practicing the lights off together. Love the vision.
Thank you for a great day, y’all! I thought there was a way to like this, but… I’m not able to figure it out. So… Happy Saturday!