
Saturday, February 17, 2018

Macbeth Rehearsal Notes 2/17

*Sophi and Lucas enter sooner in the first fight
*Jordan, your fighting intensity is AWESOME
*Caleb, don't move when you're dead
*PLEASE BE CAREFUL WITH PROPS AND COSTUMES--on and off stage.  This cast has been a little careless with props.  Make sure not to leave things where they shouldn't be.
*Lyndsey, your first line can still be louder
*Addison and Lauren, don't clasp your hands in front of your body.  Find a more warriorly stance.
*Nate, don't hold your arms up as the King of Norway, it makes the Shadow look weird.
*Sara H, your braids need to be bigger
*Abbey, your stare is lit
*When witches touch Macbeth and Banquo, are you used to being touched by strangers? How does that effect you?
*Isabelle, you made a sudden movement with your knife right before you froze, and it was awesome.  When anyone has to freeze on stage, make it a sharp transition.
*LOVED when one of the witches moved Banquo's hand and then Banquo freaked out after the freeze when she realized her hand had moved.
*Banquo and Macbeth, you can add touch when joking about what the witches told you.
*Sophi and Jorja, we LOVE your relationship
*Dylans--your guns look awesome
*Steph, your walk and entrance is great
*Steph, bring your necklace and we'll try it out!
*Maddie--don't forget creepy music during transitions!
*If someone misses an entrance, COVER!
*Hayden, if you want, you can use Apple Juice in your Chalice
*Hayden, realization before "I am settled"
*Banquo, I love that you sat on the chair, good break before weird sisters
*Hayden and Banquo, nice reactions and choices today!
*Hai, fantastic reactions!!!
*Witches, really nice choices!!!
*Sophie don't be so far on the boxes, you were really close to Abbey during past, present, and future bit. (Scene 8)
*Steph, when you said "now" it was fantastic!
*Hayden and Steph--amazing reactions!!!
*"Sleep no more" it's amazing :)
*Good choice when coming in with bloody hands Steph
*Rachael, fantastic choices today, but when you say "never at quiet," come in sooner
*Can the knocking get louder the longer Macduff is waiting outside?
*Nate and Sara, fantastic reactions
*I love the boots unzipped Hayden
*Rachael, be careful not to get lipstick on Nate's cloak, but the sniff was great
*Sophi, I love that you were putting on your cloak while coming in
*Hayden, after you go in and "kill the Dylans," zip your boots up for when you come back in.
*Malcolm and Donalbain, don't come in with your cloak/jacket and belts on, look a little more disheveled.
*Jorja, come in with your cloaks on your arms and put them on as you cross
*"Is it known who has done this bloody deed?" Ross line, scene 11.  Ask as a real question.  You want to know the answer.
*Sara H, I love your look back at the end of 11
*Nice entrance Isabelle!
*Someone was running backstage and we heard you.  Please be quiet backstage!
*Rachael, love that you sleep.
*Great pictures everyone!
*Sophi and Jorja--super cute today!
*I love the veins in your face Witches!  Abbey,  yours can be a little darker!
*Check in with the witches when they leave, Hayden.
*"So is she mine" --add intention on that line Hayden.  That's a pretty big shift from you and Banquo being buddy buddy, to 'I'm hiring people to kill you'
*Gracie, your costume is so prime!
*Anyone who walks off and adds a hood: good job!
*Steph, at dinner scene, you have scene Macbeth talk to ghosts once does that affect your character.
*Lindsey B project
*Dylan T, you look so Bad-A (from Struiks)
*We need to work Banquo fight pacing a little
*Isabelle, don't get so close to Gracie while saying "it will be rain tonight"
*No cloaks at the dinner table
*Once Ross says her line during the dinner scene, start your vocalizations...we have an awkward silence right now.
*Don't be angry at Macbeth during the dinner scene, be freaked out!!!!
*SR tables enter sooner after intermission
*Isabelle--you are awesome as the ghost!!!
*Hayden I love the way you reacted to Banquo's second entrance
*Each person in dinner scene, get a new cup, glue it, mark it, and wash it every night.
*Hayden and Steph, you don't have to wait until your line, or the end of a line to touch each other. 
*Dry Ice looks fantastic!
*Dylan, if Sophie forgets that line, just move on.
*Addison, can you use different shoes for the apparition?
*Hayden, "that shall never be"  more of a realization
*WE WILL BE ADDING THE APPARITION WALK TO FIGHT CALL. I think it'll help you all be more confident.
*Caleb, hold up the mirror WAY sooner.
*Emma, you were super honest today
*Abram, enter with intent
*Abram and Amara, PROJECT
*"Poor prattler" nice delivery
*Jordan, you were mouthing Nate's lines.  LOL
*Nice interaction with Ross, Macduff
*Make sure to clean the dressing rooms every night
*WHO RUINED THE SPIRIT GUM REMOVER??? That stuff is expensive.  Take care of stuff please!
*You all need to go to bed early and drink lots of water!
*Steph, you're making such fun choices
*Be louder Lauren
*Sydney, your hair looks so good!
*Gracie, nice entrance
*Jordan, your swagger was a little weird today.
*Projection better in this scene Lauren
*Gracie and Hayden, great reactions to LM's death
*Lindsey "But know not how to do it..." Do you?  Seem more hesitant.
*Nice Siward--still project a little
*Siward, can you exaggerate your hit on Dylan?
*Hayden, nice calling for Dylan to get the extra sword
*Nate, great job today!
*"The castle is..." Be more victorious Siward!
*Quiet down once they start talking
*"Woman born..." Nate have realization before saying "I was from my mother's womb..."  Sort of a HOLY COW I CAN BEAT YOU moment.
*Nate and Hayden, great fight
*Siward, nice delivery of lines in Scene 26
*Great run all!!!!  Have a restful Sunday!!!!