
Saturday, June 23, 2018

James and the Giant Peach Assistant Director Application!

I hope everyone is having an incredible summer and enjoying their time off - I've spent the first few weeks traveling all over the East Coast and, I kid you not, eating a ton of fresh peaches. :) Below is the Assistant Director Application for the Fall Musical - PDF version is posted on Facebook.  Please have everything submitted to me (Miss Struiksma) no later than July 25th, 2018 by 6pm.  Feel free to email me with questions and I will respond after the 4th of July.  Thank you!

Assistant Director
Description and Application Form

Once you have read and understood each section, please answer the closing question on a separate sheet and then initial where asked below - meaning you accept that responsibility and understand what it is asking.  Both the answer sheet and this full, completed application form must be sent back to Ms. Struiksma by July 25th, 2018 in order to be considered for the assistant directing spot. (Hint: Print, sign, scan, send ;) )

To be a successful, well-respected, valuable assistant director, you will need real directing or acting experience as well as leadership qualities. First and foremost, you must be assertive and firm yet tactful in your speech and judgment. To have tact means to have the following:

• A keen sense of what to say or do to avoid giving offense; skill in dealing with difficult or delicate situations calmly and efficiently
  • A keen sense of what is appropriate, tasteful, or aesthetically pleasing; taste; discrimination

The quality of tact is of utmost importance, yet it is a quality that can escape even the most level-headed person during times of stress.  Please describe in detail a time you have needed to use assertiveness with tact? 
Initials: __________

An assistant director can complete tasks in an efficient and orderly fashion. Also, you should be able to remedy problems and begin to block in cases where the director’s directions need repeating or scenes have not yet been worked on. This may require you to seek the help of the director—never hesitate to ask for this help. Please describe in detail your organizational skills/process.
Initials: __________

An assistant director can remain friends with peers and still garner their respect and trust when the time comes to take charge. The assistant director also assumes active responsibility for aiding the director in blocking and approaching any problems that may come up and offering honest and constructive opinions or criticism. The assistant director and the director should discuss any changes the assistant director proposes with an objective eye, but the director will ultimately have the last say.  What experience have you had with directing and/or blocking scenes and what is your directing style? Also, how would you/do you approach giving peers feedback? 
Initials: __________

General List of Responsibilities during Rehearsals

• Arrive a few minutes before the rehearsal is scheduled to begin.  Take roll at the start of rehearsals. Keep a log for each student absence and a list of PRE-excused absences. 
• During rehearsal, you should be on-book to give line cues.
• An assistant director should be present at every moment of every rehearsal unless otherwise specified by the director.
  • You should offer any notes or observations appropriate to the concept and direction of the show.
  • Be prepared to directing anywhere from 1-3 scenes or sections of the show.
  • After rehearsal, meet with the director to discuss any relevant concerns.

What do you feel like you can bring to this position that sets you apart from other candidates?  Why are you right for this part?
Initials: __________

The assistant director is pivotal in the success of the production. Thus, you must be present at every rehearsal unless otherwise informed by the director. If you feel that you do not or cannot uphold the expectations or that you will not be able to meet the requirements, you should strongly consider whether you should be applying for this position.  By signing below, you agree that you can and will meet at the requirements of the position.  

This contract/agreement is made between the director of James and the Giant Peach (Miss Struiksma) and  __________________ AND his/her parents or guardians. This personal contract should be signed by both the student and parent/guardian to signify agreement to the commitments required of participants.

Student Signature: 

Parent Signature: 


James and the Giant Peach 
Alta High School Theatre Department 
Assistant Director Application

Name: _________________________________

Cell Number: ____________________________

Email: _________________________________


Leadership Experience:

Acting Experience: (list production, role, and year)

Directing Experience: (list production and year)

Are you willing to read the play over the summer BEFORE your first meeting with Miss Struiksma if she sends you a copy? Yes No

Please list any conflicts dates between August 15th, 2018 and November 20th, 2018.