
Tuesday, October 24, 2023

"Mean Girls" Ticket Info and Reminders

 Hey Team!

First, THANK YOU to all the parents who have been helping behind the scenes with dinners, concessions, picking up materials, taken headshots, break-a-legs, tickets, etc.  Your efforts are not unseen and greatly appreciated.  Also THANK YOU to the cast and crew starting out - you guys are making this show work and you're working hard - I see that and I appreciate you. Know that I am so excited with all of the choices you're making on stage and the kindness you are showing one another - I really love working with you and am excited about tech week. 

A huge reminder of two things happening tomorrow.  First, tomorrow is our next day of the WEAR PINK contest and help advertise!  Please consider dressing up and posting/entering the contest to help start spread the word about our show opening in THREE WEEKS!  The information is below - remember IF you have a private account, you must screenshot the entry and DM our Alta Theatre Instagram page!

Second, tickets for our Opening Night Gala are going on sale tomorrow!  We are excited to host a little hors d'oeuvres and character interaction soiree the opening night of our show at 6pm.  Those who attend will receive some amazing finger foods at this year's "Club Rush" hour, interaction with the characters themselves, entertainment and some prime photo booth opportunities. Also, those who purchase before next Wednesday when ALL tickets go live will be able to choose their opening night seats first before the general public.  Think about coming out and supporting the students with a special Gala ticket!

HEADS UP: For those who got a Gala flyer, the address for tickets is not correct.  I greatly apologize, but at the last minute we needed to switch our ticketing vendor to ensure we could have reserved seating.  Thus, the NEW link will be posted on here and the Instagram Page tomorrow evening.  Thank you for the kindness and understanding! 

Wear pink tomorrow, start spreading the word and get ready to buy tickets!!!  

Here's the poster to post up to advertise as well.  A huge thank you to Hallie Mastersen for creating such a great poster for us this year. :)

CAST REMINDER - grade checks are due on Monday.  
This means on SUNDAY you need to print your grades at home OR MONDAY IN THE LIBRARY before rehearsal you need to print your grades and bring them with you.  PLEASE make this a time I don't need to search anyone out... it could earn you some candy if EVERYONE brings there's on Monday.... meaning, it will.  It will earn you candy. Get your grades where they need to be this week - I'm rooting for you!

Lastly, TO ALL - if ANYONE has a connection to a jazzy (the scooters for people at grocery marts), we are looking for one for the show... One thought is if anyone knows SOMEONE at a grocery store who would let us borrow one for a few days and we'd give them a shoutout in the program.... I know that's a weird request, but it's needed so PLEASE if you have any connections, I would greatly appreciate it! 

 - Struiksma