Monday, March 3, 2025

Parent Region IE help needed!

Hello wonderful parents!

We are in need of a few helping hands to help pick up and sell some pizza for us on March 18th.  We would sell for all of the schools coming to Region Competition as a fundraiser, but also as a way to FEED the masses when they are constantly competing.  I told them we could buy chips, candy, sodas, and waters ahead and then pick up Costco Pizza the night of the event. I would like to sell between 5:30-7:30pm, so we would need to preorder pizzas earlier that week and pick them up around 5pm. I DO have a Costco card for pick up if needed, but if there are any out there who have one, that would be ideal and easiest. 

If any of you are available and willing, I would love to find 4-6 parents to help!  Please send me an email and we can coordinate... thank you in advance!

 - Struiks    Email: