
Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Musical Updates (Mandatory Read!)

 Hey all!

Here's a few things to be mindful of over the break:

1 - Please practice dances and songs; we will check off parts on Tuesday and Friday and I need to know y'all are solid moving forward.  Solid doesn't mean perfect - it means you know it and are working hard - it WAS clear yesterday who had practiced and who had not since we learned the dances/songs.  Please make this a priority at least two days over break for a little while to ensure we are solid moving forward.  33 days!

2 - Those in the tap number you NEED to have your shoes ASAP for this to work.  Please work to get them here this NEXT WEEK so we can clean the dance if you don't already have them.  If needed you can buy some shoes in that sytle and order taps to attach - I just know tap shoes are easier.  Here's a link if you haven't ordered them yet, but I'm hoping you have....

If you need help, reach out.

3 - Remember you need your other clothing items and makeup by the 30th, but this weekend with down time may be a good time to go shopping. :) 

4 - Irey sent out a signup for T-shirt sizes today.  Please get on and fill that out with your name and size so we get you the correct one.  I would like to order shirts next Monday night, so take time to do that this weekend. 

5 - Next grade checks are due on October 26th (PRINTED and brought with you).  Please do what you need to do to be solid on grades at the end of quarter - that determines if you continue with the musical or I have to ask you to step out and focus on academics.  That will be a painful conversation, so those of you behind, grades are you NUMBER ONE priority over this weekend.  Well, all of you - academics are number one, so be sure and get those grades up! :)

6 - Memorize! For those required to memorize lines, those are to be SOLID by Tuesday.  I understand calling line here or there, but we really do need to be fairly solid on spoken lines and lyrics in songs this next week to make the show work.  If you need help, have a parent or friend run lines with you and make it fun!  I want you to be successful so take time to practice over break with lines.

7 - THANK YOU.  Thank you for all of the hard work you're putting in and effort in rehearsals.  I know we push you, but you rise to the occasion again and again and I feel so thankful to have each of you on the "team." I really do have the best job... keep up the good work, push yourself, and know it's all for a good cause and amazing result in the end.  I am PROUD of you!  Also, THANK YOU for the kindness I am seeing.... so many of you are reaching out to the person sitting on the side or inviting someone to chat.  So many of you are complimenting each other or cheering after each dance... I am beyond impressed and THAT is the best thing you can learn from this show - KINDNESS is King.  SO PROUD! 

8 - Last, enjoy the break!  Take time for you!  I am going to sign off from my email and the blog, etc. until Sunday because I need some mental health and me time - I'll check in at that time, but before that, please be understanding and patient with my responses.  Take care of yourself, stay hydrated, have some fun, and get some sleep. Love y'all appropriately! :)