
Sunday, October 31, 2021

Pre-Tech Week Announcements! (Live tickets, time changes, etc.)

Pre-Tech Week is upon us and so are the late hours and wonderful memories to be made!  Thank you for the amazing efforts from all of the cast and crew on Saturday - we got SO much accomplished and I really am starting to see the show come together beautifully. 

With this week a few reminders:

1 - Student, do homework in your downtime and stay on top of school assignments.  Do them in down time and advisory so you can get rest and sleep when you get home each night.  This week times are listed as TBD - this will likely be around 8:30-9pm.  [Parents: I will NEVER keep you kids past nine.  If they are getting home way later, this is NOT because of rehearsal.] Be prepared, but getting rest when you are home.  Also, drink lots of water and don't just eat halloween candy... :) 

2 - Parents, we NEED your help to make dinner nights work for your students.  Remember I do this so the kids can bond and spend time together, it ends up being cheaper to split up meals, and then kids aren't rushing in their 45 minutes for dinner to drive and eat.  We can ONLY make these dinners work if everyone pitches in and helps.  If you need to submit receipts, you can - I just physically don't have the time to get/make food.  I really do value and appreciate all of the help you give and the students really love that time together to chat and just be together.  

3 - Tickets go on sale tomorrow on!  I am SOOOOO excited to announce that ALL tickets are on sale tomorrow.  Gala tickets can still be purchased until the 14th, so if you decide later to go or have a neighbor/friend who wants to join, we would LOVE to pack the Gala so all the students have family and/or friends there. Plus, you get to interact with your actors in character... which is pretty awesome.  Regardless, get on and purchase tickets for all nights tomorrow!  Remember the 18th is a special treat in that it's our understudy night.  Come then and another night and it's like seeing two whole new shows! Oh, and if you're willing to hang up a poster or two at work, have your student grab some as we have some extras and want to advertise. 

4 - Start bringing makeup, hair stuff, and ALL costume pieces every day now -this includes all shoes needed.  You CAN store them at school and I will lock the makeup room and dressing rooms. 

5 - If anyone has a power-washer (for an old fridge), power inflater (for a zillion balls/big balloons) we would REALLY love to borrow them for a day or two.... anyone?  Let me know! 

6 - Lastly and VERY important... The company who is hired to take off the pit top so we can actually use the orchestra pit can only do this on November 6th and it takes ALL day.  That said, I would like to get some dance cleaning in AND a full run on Friday as we will need to NOT have rehearsal on November 6th.  This will ONLY work if we can come in few hours earlier on the 5th.  What makes this perfect is that it is a remote learning day and we can fill in some time then.  I'll trade you 6 hours on Saturday for 2 extra hours on Friday.  Please plan on Friday, November 5th to be there by 12:30pm and then stay till our normal evening time.  This schedule change is not only necessary, but congrats, you get this next Saturday off and are free to rest and recoop before final tech week and the show! 

STUDENTS - please tell your parents to read through this whole things.

PARENTS - please tell your kiddos to read through this whole thing. :)

Y'all are amazing - super stoked to share the BEST NIGHT EVER with you and the cast soon!!!