
Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Little Mermaid Auditions 2020

Hey All!

I know the last few weeks have been a whirlwind of information and changes.  Though I can not guarantee more changes aren't to come, I can do my best to communicate as clearly as I am able in the upcoming weeks about auditions.  Please be patient with me as changes may arise at any moment and PLEASE check the blog regularly as this will be my main source of communication (outside of word of mouth) through the Little Mermaid audition process.

Hoping to make this as easy as possible, I have created a packet for you all, just as in the past.  I have added a few new rules and regulations, including mask and sanitation rules, hang-outs outside of rehearsal rules, online rehearsal expectations and more. PLEASE read it thoroughly before signing so you KNOW what you are promising to before your audition.  This is not the year for drops after casting.

Below is the Little Mermaid audition packet AND the link to sign-up for a time for your audition.  These auditions MUST take place during school per the new mandate, so work around lunches and free periods, and choose a time that works for you.  I will adhere closely to the timeline this audition to the best of my ability.  If you are in a class with me on Tuesday, November 17th or Wednesday, November 18th, I ask that you use class-time to audition.  If you are a TA, please use your ACTING class time to audition.  There will be a pianist present for your audition and no tracks or accapella are acceptable, as the packet states.  Therefore, come with sheet music of your song printed and have CLEARLY marked your start and stop points.  

Please come to your audition with the permission slip, audition sheet, conflict sheet, and parent volunteer sheet signed and completed - no exceptions.  You MUST also, come with a copy of your grades printed out to the audition - again, NO exceptions.  Assistant Director (AD) applications can be turned in early, but the other things I ask you give me at your scheduled audition time.  Please download the packet below (hopefully it transferred to google docs from word in an okay format...), complete it, and then click the link at the bottom to sign-up for an audition time-slot.  You cannot edit on the google doc - you must download and complete. 

If you are in quarantine next week your singing and dance audition videos MUST be filmed and uploaded to YouTube as a private link.  Those links must be emailed to me at by 5pm on Thursday, November 19th.  You must also email me scans or pictures of your audition sheets, conflict sheet, permission slips, parent volunteer form, and grades.  If they are late for any reason, they will NOT be accepted, so do not leave them till the last minute to do and upload - in fact, if I COULD get them by that morning, it would be GREATLY appreciated.  

Little Mermaid Packet - CLICK ON THAT LINK!

Little Mermaid Calendar - TENTATIVE SCHEDULE HERE


AD Application Here: AD Application