
Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Little Mermaid Auditions - Zoom Address WEDNESDAY

 Here is the link for today's zoom meeting: 

Please copy and paste that address in and login 5 minutes early.  When you login it will place you in a waiting room.  When it is time for your audition I will grant you access from that waiting room.  Be SURE you have sent me ALL of your paperwork and a screenshot of your grades before the audition.  

My big advice for today?  HAVE FUN!  You all always do better when you breathe and have a good time performing - that's why we do it. :)  Now, go break legs! 

Not literally, please.  You will still have to do the dance audition and submit it to me today or tomorrow morning.  The dance link and instructions to submit it are in the previous entry!